Riverside Stamps
Welcome to my collection!I created my own customized album pages using SoftPro's AlbumGen software for my collection that spans from the first government issues in 1847 to the year 1950. This software is well worth the money because it allows me to layout an album page any which way I wish - try doing that with any commercially avaiable stamp album on the market at any price. I started collecting as a kid with used stamps I cut from envelopes and what relatives sent me. I've only started seriously collecting stamps since the last half of the 1990's concentrating on the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century focusing mainly on the Washington/Franklin issues. I've acquired my stamps from a number of different sources, mainly from retail outlets, buying box lots at local auctions and ebay. Click on the thumbnail images below to go each individual page that makes up my collection.
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